Privacy Policy

We respect the privacy of our customers. Therefore, keeping their privacy intact is our priority. However, certain conditions may apply to our customers when they use our services. The following privacy policy applies to “HODLER ENTERPRISES PTY LTD”, an Australian Private Company that operates www.thehaylo.com.au and works with the brand name of “THE HAYLO CO”. This privacy policy gives you insight into how we collect and utilize your information. We recommend our customers carefully read our privacy policy before complying with our terms of services (TOS).

Information Collection and Utilisation

To provide you with a better customer experience, we need to get access to your personal information. For this, we may ask you to provide some of your details that may include but are not limited to your name, address, email, contact number, etc. We mainly utilise this information for:

  • To verify your identity.
  • To contact you as per the requirement of our services.
  • To keep you updated about our services.
As a customer, you must make sure that the information we hold about you is accurate and latest. Therefore, please inform us immediately if any information related to your personal detail changes.

Log Data

We also collect the information in the form of log data that your browser sends to us whenever you visit our website or use our online web service.

We do not store any information against the consent of our customers. Therefore, you can instruct your browser to either allow or stop the cookies from being generating

Sometimes, we also allow third-party services such as Google Analytics to get access to this data, so that they can carry out the statistical and comparative analysis of our services. These companies have their own privacy policies. Therefore, we recommend our customers go through their privacy policy individually to better understand how they use their data.


Cookies are the files that your device generates whenever you visit any website or use any online service. These files are stored on your device and we also utilize this information to tailor the browsing experience of our customers.

We do not store any information against the consent of our customers. Therefore, you can instruct your browser to either allow or stop the cookies from being generating

when you visit our website. However, you may not be able to use some of our services if you do not accept the cookies.

Do Not Track Disclosure

We do comply to “Do Not Track” requests from our customers. You can set the preference in your web browser that you don’t want to be tracked whenever you visit our website.

Sometimes, we also allow third-party services such as Google Analytics to get access to this data, so that they can carry out the statistical and comparative analysis of our services. These companies have their own privacy policies. Therefore, we recommend our customers go through their privacy policy individually to better understand how they use their data.

Service Providers

Sometimes, we also utilise the services of third-party companies to facilitate us in our business. These companies work on our behalf to provide services to our customers. However, we only allow those companies to work with us that comply with our terms and conditions of keeping our customer’s information intact.


We use your personal information to contact you anytime to make you aware of all the information or latest updates related to our services and offers. We give freedom to our customers to choose either they want to receive all or some specific type of information from us.

Compliance with Laws

We are entitled to and reserve all the rights related to the disclosure of any information on request of any law enforcement agency. Moreover, we are also entitled to use your personal information if we feel it reasonable to satisfy the law to evade any liability or to protect the security or integrity of our service.

Business Transaction

If we carry out any business transaction, there are chances that your personal information may get transferred to a third party and may subject to a different privacy policy. In such a case, we will inform you in advance through a notice before carrying out such a transaction.


The security of our customer’s information is our priority. But no method guarantees 100% security related to the storage or transmission of your information over the internet. However, we try our best to use all commercially available resources to secure your data in the best possible way as we can.

International Transfer

All of your personal information may be partially or completely transferred to – or stored on – computers that are located outside of your territory or governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ from those of yours.

If you are using our services from outside Australia, then please note that we will process and use your personal information according to the data protection laws of Australia.

Link to Other Sites

Our website may contain links to other sites that are operated by other companies. If you click on such links, you will be directed to that particular site whose privacy policy may differ from ours.

We strongly recommend our customers carefully read the privacy policy of those sites that they visit, as we do not take any responsibility for the privacy policy practices on those third-party sites.

Children’s Privacy

Our services are not for children that are under the age of 13. If your child has provided us with his personal information without your parental consent, then please inform us as soon as possible.

We will immediately take steps to remove that information from our server once we verify it.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We often make changes to our privacy policy due to time-to-time modifications that we make in our services or due to some legal or regulatory issues. Therefore, we recommend our customers periodically review our privacy policy.

Contact Us

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us any time at www.thehaylo.com.au